The utility's plan to build the plants, which would be a source of global-warming gases, had drawn criticism from environmentalists and others.
"It's a global-warming gas that you can put to good use as a clean power source."
Because of the many steps being taken, emissions of global-warming gases by American industry are in fact falling, and at a surprising rate.
The corporate moves to reduce emissions of global-warming gases add up, some environmental groups say, to a significant shift in approach.
The main global-warming gas, after all, is carbon dioxide, given off mainly by burning fossil fuels.
Making hydrogen for a fuel cell requires some emissions of global-warming gases.
A new California law will require automakers to meet lower targets for emissions of carbon dioxide, the main global-warming gas.
"We're denying ourselves the largest incremental step we could take" to reduce American emissions of global-warming gases, he said.
Higher mileage would also significantly reduce emissions of global-warming gases that come from burning gasoline.
In addition, Clear Skies fails to regulate carbon dioxide, the main global-warming gas.