"Each Clarkston Community Schools' student is fully engaged in a globally focused education, from preschool through graduation, that fosters in her/him a sense of self, perspective, responsibility/ownership, and contribution."
"I can't imagine working in a company that is not globally focused," said Carlos García Zendejas, 28, who is studying for a master's in business leadership at Duxx.
And yet, when I look around for the group that has both the power and interest in seeing America remain globally focused and competitive - America's business leaders - they seem to be missing in action.
Our aim is offer a new co-branded homepage of NYTimes.com that is edited for the global audience as well as globally focused section fronts in key content areas, like business, travel, sports and fashion.
The Master of Science in Management Program was an intense globally focused, one-year graduate degree program designed for experienced professionals moving into positions of increased managerial responsibility.
The company has previously targeted the Latin American market, but has recently focused more globally.
Network with hundreds of globally focused business professionals?
The Center is also the institutional extension for the greater SIUC faculty whose interests in globally focused research and creative practice are enriched by the Center's interdisciplinary focus.
The School itself is also home to Information for Practice, a globally focused website providing the latest news and emerging scholarship in the Social Work profession.
Community partnerships and culminating theme projects are central to Exploris' adolescent centered globally focused curriculum.