In 1998, the Great River Refuge was designated as a globally important bird area, due to its value to shorebirds, songbirds, and waterfowl.
However, the eucalyptus wooded savannah, tropical rainforests, and other types of habitat are now recognized as being globally important.
Scientists are concerned because the Galapagos "have globally important biodiversity - endemic species found nowhere else in the world," said Mr Goodman.
"We have a globally important resource when it comes to turtles," he said.
During the winter the United Kingdom is home to globally important numbers of brent geese, that have spent the breeding season in the Arctic.
It is one of three globally important national parks chosen for a Global Environment Facility sponsored project.
Gold Mercury International organizes discussions about globally important subjects, and disseminates its work through a variety of print and digital publications.
PIPA provides important natural habitats for in-situ conservation of globally important biological diversity, both marine and terrestrial.
Interpipe is a globally important player on the metal pipes (hence the name), steel wheels and ferroalloys markets.
The disappointing thing is that we are even debating the direction of climate change on this globally important continent.