Behind the desk, a globe rested in a wooden stand beside a tall window.
A globe surmounted by a cross rested on the top of the crown.
On their shoulders rested a hollow globe, 15 feet in diameter, laced by a latitudinal and longitudinal network.
The globe rested on a small stand.
In the end they gave up their quest and circled back to come out near the field where the hitter and the globe rested.
Nearly two feet in diameter, the globe rested on a low pedestal through which light was projected from below, giving the sphere a soft, diffused glow.
"You have powerful friends, it seems," remarked Aristotle, taking Parmenion's arm and guiding him back to where the globe rested on the rocks.
A dingy globe rested in the table's center, providing minimal muddy light to see by.
A map of Africa hangs on one wall, a globe rests next to a desk covered with legal papers, books and half-written speeches.
When the cool globe finally rested atop the delicate black branches, it seemed so close that Abby held out her arms and tried to touch it.