He also discovered globular forms in the poikilocytosis of this disease, which were to become known as "Eichhorst's corpuscles".
Finally the rest of the mass slid down, and the substance resumed a more globular form.
She hunched herself into globular form, becoming a sphere, conserving her heat as well as she could.
The flesh is dark in color, and each root has a tidy globular form.
Young individuals can resemble other globular forms of algae.
The globefishes can suck in water or air and distend the body to a more or less globular form.
Some species are branched, others grow in large massive or globular forms.
Positioned atop an altar the lanx is heaped with an offering "of a globular form."
Contiguous stalactites are often inwrapped thus until they assume an almost globular form, through which by making a section the primary tubes appear.
Almost globular forms became common by c. 1450.