It has a more globular overall shape, and young mushrooms carry a smell of decay.
He found that they had a globular shape that only welding or grinding produces.
A huge globular shape which it hurt the eyes to look upon.
Bubbles form, and coalesce, into globular shapes, because those shapes are at a lower energy state.
These diatoms are approximately 12 to 13 million years old and are a small globular shape.
He saw a globular shape making its way towards a parked car.
His eye-rasters were filtering the statues, making them into vague globular shapes.
They can also be distinguished by their almost globular shape and the long protruding remnant of the style sticking out on top.
It has a globular shape, with a blowing hole on top and several finger holes.
And like an aura a black shadow stood in globular shape about her.