Mr. Wagoner said he did not plan to do so - although he acknowledged that he was frustrated with the gloom surrounding the company.
Word of the contract lifted some of the gloom surrounding the airline that had been worsened by the outbreak of the war.
Note the gloom surrounding prisons, hangings (Gaspard's dangling corpse casts a shadow), and Madame Defarge and company.
Despite gloom surrounding financial institutions, Deutsche Börse is trying to raise nearly $1 billion by going public next month.
He looked up and saw in the gloom surrounding him that his rifle strap had snagged on a stony, ice-covered outcropping.
It seemed to have no surface, and its edges were difficult to distinguish from the lesser gloom surrounding it.
And Robert Hatcher, vice president for foreign exchange at Barclays Bank in New York, said: "We've had gloom and doom surrounding the dollar all day.
Now she was locked in a coffin, with gloom surrounding her.
With all the doom and gloom surrounding the economy and cuts at last some good news.
Mining investment firm, Vallar wants to raise funds in the market, despite the gloom surrounding equities this week Continue reading...