Yet, contrary to gloomy expectations, that ultimate Valhalla, nuclear war, was never resorted to.
The economic disaster in the East has exceeded the gloomiest expectations of Western economists.
He watched his friend's expression drop to one of gloomy expectation.
Many have gloomy expectations about what a war would be like.
And it provides the most detailed view to date of Americans' gloomy expectations about what a war in the gulf would be like.
Stock prices jumped to record levels yesterday, continuing a rally that has defied gloomy expectations about the nation's economy.
Despite his gloomy expectations, the radio man made audio contact with the Mexico after two minutes.
While not strong, the latest numbers did not match those gloomy expectations.
As it happened, Miller's gloomy expectations of an early demise turned out to be baseless - for that night, at least.
The huge imbalance was worse than the gloomiest expectations.