Shares plunged again yesterday by 63p to 800p and another City expert warned of a gloomy future.
Nassau was a community of gloomy future.
The tropical rain forest, nature's great but beleaguered treasure house, may face a somewhat less gloomy future if experts gathered here have their way.
Or perhaps it is only one strand of the truth; perhaps that gloomy future can, in the end, be averted.
The landscape is gray; the people, morose; the future, decidedly gloomy.
This resulted in a gloomy future of the University.
This is not just a gloomy future.
Thousands of people - men and women and their families - face a gloomy future.
A month after warning that it faced a gloomy financial future, AT&T delivered the first bitter spoonful yesterday.
Now, with a Canadian recession biting more deeply than the economic downturn in the United States, the industry is confronting a gloomier future.