The bad news followed October's gloomy reports, which were somewhat less unnerving because they were expected.
Earlier this month, when the party's Central Committee met, it heard gloomy reports of acute problems on economic, social and security fronts.
The Dow rose as much as 15 points in early trading, seemingly shrugging off the gloomy report on leading economic indicators.
But it's also about how, despite the gloomy reports, "the world still sings."
I went out on the porch and gave our people a gloomy report.
Despite the gloomy reports, some retailers were more cheery than others, and there was some good news to report.
The financial advisers also presented a gloomy report, of international companies waiting six months or more for their cheques to be cleared by the central bank.
My gloomy written report to General Putnam was sent on to the commanding general.
Today, this relationship took another turn for the worse when the Comptroller issued a gloomy report about the state's finances.
He said last month's gloomy report on global warming prompted four former clients who had bought downtown to voice concern about living in low-lying neighborhoods.