Behind the Kitty the sky was a glorious blaze of gold touched scarlet, in which a few ragged clouds floated silver gray.
I can't remember any particular hole, any particular stroke, just a glorious blaze of heaven.
Without warning, she ignited in a glorious blaze of silver fire.
Loial, Hurin, Selene, they all stared at him, but they seemed oblivious to the glorious blaze from the crystal.
"Now we shall have a glorious blaze!"
One moment the Enterprise was a glorious blaze, and the next the sky rose black and empty.
As they reached the small stream, Ayla noticed the sun was going down and was caught up again by a glorious blaze of color in the sky.
I don't care about the suns, but I hate to see Aurora go up in a blaze, no matter how glorious that blaze may be.
The symphony ends in a glorious blaze of the choir and orchestra, backed up by held chords on the organ.
Then, in a burst of energy and a glorious blaze of publicity, the whole nest of scofflaws would be wrenched up root and branch.