Nonetheless, it remains a glorious event to follow, and it would be good to see a French resurgence.
After observing that glorious event, all of them got inspired to do something different in Amateur Astronomy.
Barely a week after this glorious event Anna learned she had ovarian cancer and would need major surgery.
It was a glorious event, this dangerous, raging bull charging madly.
Iraq was the first country I had ever visited that enshrined an assassination attempt as the most glorious event in the nation's history.
But we haven't reached that point yet, and I'd hate to anticipate the glorious event.
When she did it was a glorious event.
In order to make amends," the king said, "I have arranged the most glorious event ever.
But it is a glorious event for his up-and-coming opponents.
Yesterday we had glorious events scattered all over this city.