The other major attraction here is the beach, from where you can witness the glorious sunrise and equally mesmerising sunset.
There was a glorious sunrise as I hiked toward the sweeping crescent-shaped ridges of sand that, on a knife edge, split the darkness from light.
It would be a glorious sunrise but the searcher was incapable of knowing or caring.
What a glorious sunrise, and what crisp, delicious air!
Viewing a glorious sunrise in Alberta in 1920, he wrote in his diary, "I thought of the New Day, the New Social Order.
He smiled, like a glorious sunrise.
Polly grinned, delight at the glorious sunrise, and relief at feeling better adding warmth and brilliance to her smile.
With the glorious sunrise at their back, the loaded aircraft revved engines to high rpm and released brakes.
Netarhat is famous for its glorious sunrises and sunsets during the summer months.
She wanted to fly right into the glorious sunrise, to be one with the great orange and yellow ball of sun.