It was a Sunday morning of glorious sunshine and pealing church bells.
I flourished in that glorious sunshine and was playing the best football of my life.
The Almighty had a gift ready - glorious sunshine.
The crowd of 12,212 were treated to a well-mannered game, played in glorious sunshine.
"Ah, how one misses the glorious sunshine of France!"
From our terrace, we watched a storm come in, then get chased away by glorious sunshine.
During the two weeks of glorious sunshine, we all did our annual weapons, first aid and fitness tests.
Saturday's glorious sunshine has meant three consecutive record-beating days.
He popped out of the manhole into the open air and glorious sunshine, staggered to his bike.
This was a huge success, with the town pulling together for the event under a huge marquee despite the glorious sunshine.