Rather than the current expensive glossy publication we will now report annually to parliament by Command Paper.
The only glossy publication devoted to Brooklyn, the magazine had a paid circulation of 38,000.
"Companies send out glossy publications, but a lot of people just don't read them," Mr. Block said.
It began as a photocopied, black and white, stapled fanzine but over the years grew into a full-size glossy publication.
A 250 page glossy publication profiling some of the city's most innovative creative companies and media entrepreneurs.
"Quest" publishers hired a professional staff unrelated to the church to create a high quality glossy publication devoted to the humanities, travel and the arts.
The magazine was a full colour glossy publication and four issues were released.
But even at a time when magazine companies are constantly competing for attention outside of their glossy publications, Fashion Rocks is an unusually elaborate production.
There are glossy, trendy publications as well as serious, literary ones.
Interest in the world of glossy publications and their semi-renowned editors has reached an apogee.