He did it gently, then checked that the creature's domed head was not constricted and that the glossy wings could move freely.
The bird spread its great, glossy wings and flew after, circling, now ahead, now behind.
Heckle shivered, stretched his glossy wings, and went Delphic.
Bullfinches have glossy black wings and tail feathers.
The griffin settled to earth, folding its extensive glossy wings.
Taran raised his arm and Kaw flapped his glossy wings in farewell.
The adults of these stocky 22-23 cm long birds have a metallic purple head and body, and glossy green wings.
The winged oblong seeds, which mature in October or November, are 13 mm long with a glossy brown wing 12-19 mm long.
The plumage of adults is striking with a buff head, upper back and undersides, and glossy black wings, lower back and tail.