Adams took a wrist shot and Brodeur snatched it with his glove hand.
It wasn't quite single-handed because the left-hander used his glove hand on one of the two plays in question.
He let go to the goalie's glove hand, and the puck went in.
Suddenly, there it was flying by Brodeur's glove hand and into the net.
He has a quick glove hand, is a good handler of the puck and does not rattle easily.
He can catch with his glove hand and his strained calf has improved.
Some of the shots were difficult, and he showed a quick glove hand.
"He can do it because his reflexes are so great and because he's got the best glove hand in baseball."
He reached up with his glove hand helplessly, the ball carrying over his head.
His clever 15-foot shot went high over Cashman's glove hand into the cords.