The glow of soft lighting cast an aura up the carpeted stairs.
The glow of the well cast its encouraging light against their backs, while the nightmare emerged from the darkness before them.
A tiny glow, the little flashlight cast a concentrated disk that was concealed by the form above it.
The glow from the fire in the outer room cast a warm, dim light through the open double doors.
The warm yellow glow cast her shadow over the walls of the tomb.
At night, the glow of its lamps casts a ghostly pall on her walls.
Her room was lit by many candles, their glow cast a halo of light around her.
The orange glow from the mullioned windows cast warm rays in the cold night.
As the fires grew hotter and larger, the glow cast even more light on the sea.
The glow of his board cast satanic highlights over his face.