And a bright glow enveloped the giant's head, gleaming white.
Siuan took one of the chairs, and the glow enveloped her.
He felt his hand becoming hotter and looked down to see a fiery glow envelop his flesh.
A blue glow enveloped the shed and the eight men inside.
The wards had vanished, though the glow still enveloped the two Sitters, each more the image of frustration than the other as they stood watching.
The bottle was between him and the light but for a minute or two a red glow enveloped his person.
An eerie glow was enveloping it now, faint and golden.
In another minute, that same glow would envelop the Enterprise and all hope of avoiding destruction would be gone.
A reddish glow enveloped the leg on the biobed.
The glow still enveloped her, yet Adeleas must have been focusing their combined flows.