By October 1851 Bird felt that he had tested the device sufficiently to give it a glowing article in The Lancet.
Toni had just read a glowing article about him.
"Lots of companies claim that they compete on knowledge," the magazine Fast Company wrote in a glowing article about Capital One in its May issue.
The same day, a lengthy, glowing article applauded the return of Polish poster art after the fall of Communism.
One commenter on Grist's blog wondered if Ms. Little's "glowing" article was "a cruel joke."
Popular magazines write glowing articles about the time-consuming exercise routines of celebrities.
As a consequence of the glowing article, Rennie had been on the receiving end of many sympathetic glances, which she had deplored and tried to ignore.
Many well-known food writers attended; within a few months glowing articles about the Gotham appeared in several publications.
She was featured in a glowing article in the September issue of Essence magazine.
The disclaimers of scientists and nutritionists that often accompany the glowing articles on high-protein diets can look like the pedantic grumbling of professional naysayers.