But reality never matched the glowing notices that the colony's organizers sent back to Germany.
Several cynics attributed the glowing notice today to the unwillingness of the newspaper to take the blame for the company's departure.
The third, George W. Bush, has been winning glowing notices for different reasons.
Her performance, particularly her amusing version of "Tired," won glowing notices, and she stayed at the club for eight months.
Although it was given mixed reviews, Miss McCarthy's performance received glowing notices.
But the very fact of the glowing notices, and of the bright future they unanimously promised, was something else again.
Taylor's first studio album in six years was released in 1997 to glowing notices.
Yet despite some recognizable names and glowing notices, "Wristcutters" was never picked up for release.
The film, which opened on Friday, has not always fared as well as its star, who has received glowing notices for her performance.
The Los Angeles company toured nationally during the 1980's, earning glowing notices.