There are several scenes of an ominously glowing sun, which gets progressively larger and brighter even into the night.
One eyebrow went up, and he smiled, half his face lit by the glowing sun, the other half in shadow.
There in the furnace the mind of man opened like a flower beneath a too glowing sun.
The mill seemed dead beneath the glowing sun.
The glowing sun, together with the green grass, forms the letter "f".
The glowing white sun disappeared behind a hill.
Especially good is the drawing of a glowing yellow sun, whose mountainous surface inspired the larger glass version.
As the morning progressed, no glowing sun penetrated the heavy overcast sky.
Only one in two hundred thousand of those glowing suns had planets.
Alive, and with a small feeling of certainty, like a 0 glowing sun beneath my ribs.