Nonetheless, one Soviet official said many people in his central Moscow apartment building were glued to their sets.
Paige listened with one ear, impatient to get to the juicier stuff, the questions that would keep viewers glued to their sets.
This is the ultimate game show by which the state-run television network keeps citizens docile and glued to their sets.
How the Oscars Work Movie buffs around the world soon will be glued to their sets.
Suddenly, millions of television viewers across the continent were glued to their sets, watching a good-looking European explorer risk life and limb on the high frontier.
But they re-mained glued to their sets, all the same.
'They'll all be glued to their wireless sets, I suppose.'
The pro-football playoffs were on television and the regulars were at home, glued to their sets.
Meanwhile, viewers had to be glued to their sets to catch even a couple moments' glimpse of Stefan Edberg.
Millions of viewers across the U.S. were glued to their sets.