Capturing aerial imagery with a quadrotor is as simple as programming GPS coordinates and hitting the go button.
Due to the varying delays, this was sometimes impossible (e.g. some decide signals simply appeared too late in the process of them both intending to and pressing the go button for them to be obeyed).
It soars straight at the open lock through it, and-" I pressed the go button and it went.
I leaned forward, firmly pressed the gadget against Eugene's butt, and hit the go button.
Now she double-checked her vector, grinned in anticipation, and tapped the go button.
The PowerTouch breakthrough is automatic page recognition, so a child does not need to press the go button on each page before starting.
An adult needs to activate the go button on each Mylar page, and the child can then freely explore the picture to hear sounds or a cluster of words to hear it read.
He pushed the go button and yellow light blasted into our faces, hot on the skin and stabbing to the eyes.
Both brows lifted and Val Con set the glass aside, pulled the 'corder onto his lap, and touched the go button.
Press enter or select the go button to submit request.