"A generation ago, a lot of people stopped giving when dormitories went co-ed," he said.
"It's perfectly in keeping with the place I love to go co-ed only long after everyone stopped asking about it," he said.
In the 1970's the program went co-ed and it ended in 1979.
When it came time to select bedrooms, one of the three men wanted to go co-ed.
It began admitting resident males in 1987 when Queens went co-ed.
During my junior year, the college went co-ed.
He even wrote a musical, which was set in a prison that was forced to go co-ed.
Going co-ed: Women's experiences in formerly men's colleges and universities 1950-2000.
At about the same time, the school also went co-ed.
In 1984 the College went co-ed, allowing men as well as women to enroll.