At the half-mile point, they were at 2:01, and the crowd went delirious.
It landed in the right-field seats as the Turner Field crowd - announced at 40,075, 10,000 below capacity - went delirious.
In this blinding light where good sense goes delirious, the reasoned esteem of friendship and the passion of love are indistinguishable.
Then he got off into mathematics and science, and went nearly delirious.
I'm going delirious, she thought, and knew she should be making an effort to get herself back together again.
Oh, heavens, she was going delirious with this ankle.
The crowd go delirious, the band respond with the entire concept.
With his helmet off, he'd been exposed to local air for hours--plenty of time to get infected by an alien microbe and go delirious.
The town goes delirious with the cheap thrills.
Did they change their minds once I went delirious?