So far, at least, the operation appeared to be going flawlessly.
"If thing's don't go flawlessly, it's much more likely for Web sites to disappoint people."
Even when transfers to the floppy drive went flawlessly, the method wasn't the easiest way to back up her husband's business records.
And if things didn't go flawlessly on a mission, she'd catch more heat than she deserved.
Pointing at figures on the screen, she coldly stated, "As you can see, the last purchase went flawlessly.
Until the mess at the Johansen house, everything went along flawlessly.
Development of the unit did not go flawlessly, however.
Except for the incident with the flashlight, everything was going flawlessly.
The airstep went flawlessly to the music and astonished the more than 2,000 audience members.
Experts say the industry could still run into problems even if the tests go flawlessly.