The Mets, conversely, have scored all of 29 runs in going 2-10 over the last 12 games.
The Pioneers have gone 3-5-2 over the last 10 games.
Kranepool ended up playing all 23 innings, going four for fourteen over the two games.
Largely unexpectedly, Kitani went 1-5 down over the first six games, and so was subject to beating down.
"If we go 9-1 over the next 10 games, do we win the World Series?"
However, he went 0-for-16 over the next four games, all won by the Mets for a seemingly impossible Series victory.
With Garcia back as the starter for week 6, the Buccaneers went 6-1 over the next 7 games.
You start over and tell yourself you're going to go 10-5 or 11-4 over the next 15 games.
Kemp then went back to his job in the steel mill and the Pirates went 2-5 over the next seven games.
From 1992 to 1996 they went 5-25 over the final six games of those seasons.