Noises from dying chalikos were cut short as the surviving ronin went about with a dispatching sword.
Gandhi cites the example of a man who in a fit of madness goes about with a sword in his hand killing indiscriminately.
His eyes widened at the uniform, and his hand went toward a table with a sword lying on it.
Before me there was a woman who went in with a wig stand and a sword!
Like Nintendo's Zelda adventure series, the player goes from screen to screen and defeats enemies with a sword while finding items from monsters and treasure chests.
Tyrion could think of something clever now, but all that occurs to me is to go at them with a sword.
He went after Budhyanta with a sword in his hand.
Drizzt held wands and staves of incredible power and went through several attack routines with a sword so heavily enchanted that his hands tingled from its touch.
Weren't you the one who went hunting the Sandtiger with only a storm-born sword for companionship?