On April 14 it will arrive at the spot where the vessel went down, with the loss of more than 1,500 lives.
Not long after, catastrophe struck and the family went into turmoil with the loss of three siblings within four years.
The school went through a turbulent period during the 1990s with declining academic standards and the subsequent loss of its sixth form.
Egg Rock Light was first established in 1856 after a schooner went down with the loss of five lives.
Talks broke down and the firm went into receivership in April 2005 with the loss of more than 6,000 jobs.
Principe Umberto went down quickly with the loss 1,750 men.
She went down in 15 minutes with the loss of 518 of her crew, including her captain.
Nero ignored him; Euphranor and his ship went down with the loss of all hands.
The adventure that started so smoothly had gone sour with the loss of the communicators.
These he arranged in location order, so that he could go round them with the minimum loss of time.