If purposeful, goal-directed activity is to take place, clear objectives need to be set for all the organisation's activities.
Knowing emerges as individuals develop intentions through goal-directed activities within cultural contexts which may in turn have larger goals and claims of truth.
Symptoms of mania include talking very fast, racing thoughts, less need for sleep, impulsiveness, and increased interest in goal-directed activities.
Associated symptoms could include inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, excessive involvement in 'pleasurable' activities, increase in goal-directed activity - such as winning his game.
Education is a goal-directed activity, as teachers are concerned not simply with bringing about change, but with bringing about desirable change.
Beneficial use is related to the physical and social rewards that goal-directed activity instills in individuals or groups.
Some outdoor goal-directed activities are: backpacking, canoeing, canyoning, caving, climbing, hiking, hill walking, hunting, kayaking, and rafting.
Arguably broader groupings of goal-directed outdoor activities would include water sports, snow sports, and horseback riding.
Emphasis is put on automatic sensory processes in the course of a goal-directed activity.
That's a very goal-directed activity, and the goal isn't necessarily to find something that's NOT a bestseller.