I will grant you, the people of Zondar seem to have elevated Captain Calhoun to some sort of god-like status.
Some Hindu saints are given god-like status, being seen as incarnations of Vishnu, Shiva, and other aspects of God-this can happen many years after their deaths.
And Christie's slice of the action might reach as high as £70,000, with Lewis - idolised in Japan where he is given almost god-like status - pocketing £100,000.
They are led by the first Cybrid, Prometheus, who is revered with god-like status.
In the spring of 1968, a massive campaign began, aimed at promoting the already-adored Mao Zedong to god-like status.
The Emperor is elevated to a god-like status in Race society.
Another technique involved here is that of euhemerization, when ordinary people attain a god-like status.
Because of this, Superman (or the ideal of him) had grown to god-like status and is worshiped in Kandor.
After piecing together the Worlogog, as either Hawk or Monarch, he is nigh-omnipotent, having god-like status.
Dmitri Mendeleev has an almost god-like status in the pantheon of science.