She smoothed her brown robe and readjusted the gold amulet that hung on a chain around her neck.
A gold amulet engraved with a representation of one of Kelley's visions.
With Baldomer's gold amulet dangling from one hand, Conan felt a sudden, squeamish reluctance to wrench his saber out of the baron's chest.
Anya stooped and lifted the gold amulet from the pile of dust and clothes on the trampled and burned grass.
The High Wizard set his goblet on the table and fingered the links from which the gold amulet hung across his white tunic.
Sterol fingered the gold amulet.
Menua presented me with the gold amulet to identify me.
When I showed the sentries my gold amulet, they opened the gates for us.
Sterol fingers the gold amulet.
The High Wizard fingered the gold amulet that hung around his neck.