The gold candlesticks still stood where they had been put, at the four corners of the bed.
They all gaped at the mounds of rings, pendants, bracelets, gold candlesticks, silverware, and a lot more that shined and glittered even in the dim light.
Wax candles in gold candlesticks made a blaze of light and incense burnt in two golden censers.
The family gathered in the smaller one for supper, a room with gold paper on the walls, a huge chandelier above, a long trestle table set with gold candlesticks, gilt flatware, gold-and-white china and linen and lace.
You boys, take the gold candlesticks, the plates, everything gold you can see, wrap each piece in cloth, divide them between you so you can carry them easily.
He produced half a dozen solid gold candlesticks, for instance, each four feet high and as much as one man could carry.
Exploring the room, he opened a cupboard and discovered a pair of gold candlesticks which inflamed his avarice to such an extent that he tucked them into his bag and closed up the cupboard.
The Black Book of the abbey, gold candlesticks and crosses, silver cups and bells were never found and legend has it that they were secreted away in a vault beneath the abbey buildings where they lie to this day.
They were Tweety and Sylvester, which was about a canary that drove a cat crazy, and The Miserable Ones, which was about a man who stole some gold candlesticks from a priest who had been nice to him.
Food and blankets, yes, but maybe a pair of gold candlesticks, eh?