The starships were small gold dots heading toward it, two close, with a third lagging behind.
The only mark on the watch was a single gold dot at the twelve o'clock position, intended to be evocative of a sun dial.
Made of hand-woven cotton speckled with gold dots, the dress, $50 to $75, comes in a riot of Bombay colors and one size (suited to the long and lean).
The geometric order gives way to shifting, optically pulsating patterns of radiating, glinting gold dots and vibrating black verticals (Johnson).
This work is coated with a bubbly glaze of gold dots that imparts an unexpectedly elegant surface to the skin of this humble critter.
Movado is known for its iconic Museum Watch which is defined by a single gold dot symbolizing the sun at high noon, the hands suggesting the movement of the earth.
On black sheets, in one case embedded with rows of string, Sara Sosnowy has painted dense, lush patterns of gold dots, creating the show's most visually engaging works.
He wore an inflating red bikini with gold dots surrounding the gold stars, all gold helmet, belt and bracelets.
The timepiece, white with gold dots and gold hands, has become the trademark of all Infinitis, and it is delightfully different.
Unless you are able to make the gold dots smaller and turn them into eyes.