The document was displayed atop a gold replica from June 3, 1976 until June 13, 1977 when it was returned.
The award consists of a gold medal, bronze replica, small gold replica, certificate and honorarium.
In addition, you will see a gold replica of the Magna Carta, a gift from the British government in 1976.
Kate slipped off the purple Asprey paper and found inside an exquisitely made miniature, a solid gold replica of a red box on a gold chain.
He wore blue jeans, a U.A.W. polo shirt, running shoes and a tiny gold replica of a Chevrolet around his neck.
A helmet is here, along with a small gold replica of the lunar module.
Hansen was presented with a solid silver and gold replica of the crown on the Statue of Liberty.
It was used to model a 10-pound gold replica displayed at the 69th Academy Awards.
In addition, every first-place finisher from China will receive a gold replica of a soda can, worth $6,000.
They also left behind a memorial bag containing a gold replica of an olive branch as a traditional symbol of peace and a silicon message disk.