The eagle has a red tongue, golden beaks and claws and three crowns.
To Erendis they gave a pair of birds, grey, with golden beaks and feet.
Standing upon this on either side are two red-and-white raven-bears with golden beaks and claws.
The coat of arms of Poland has a white eagle with a golden beak and talons wearing a golden crown.
A tiny golden beak appeared.
The other bird snapped its golden beak, opening and closing it like a pair of scissors.
He stuck his golden beak in her face and snap, snapped again.
It is a stylized white eagle with a golden beak and talons, and wearing a golden crown, in a red shield.
A ship with golden beak and oar and timbers white came gliding; swans went sailing on before, her tall prow guiding.
The bird is a white falcon with golden beak and legs.