There was a golden coronet on bis head.
Six months later, wearing lightweight golden coronets especially designed by their father, they saw their parents crowned in Westminster Abbey.
There was a golden coronet on his head, and the robes that swirled around his big body were rainbow-gorgeous.
He placed the shiral crystal on the table beside the golden coronet and carefully straightened the chain, then looked shrewdly up at Rhydon once more.
Ivar rose, putting down the golden coronet for the first time that evening, and stood in front of Wulfgar.
It consisted of a golden eastern coronet with pearls and precious stones.
Her hands went to where the veil was secured to the golden coronet.
On the blue triangular lower section was a golden coronet, while the upper gold section bore a black ram.
Medea took her revenge by sending Glauce a dress and golden coronet, covered in poison.
Studded with gemstones, a golden coronet rose spiky from the leaves of his mane.