A delicate golden diadem, yet to be pinned into place, waited on the dressing table.
The Hymn to Selene describes the goddess as very beautiful, with long wings and a golden diadem, calling her "white-armed" and "benevolent".
She wore a golden circlet about her neck and a golden diadem on her blonde hair.
A golden diadem evolved upon his hairless burnished skull.
His excavations revealed the outlines of an ancient city, about where Troy should have been, and uncovered a wealth of golden diadems, jewelry and goblets.
Her hair was held back with a golden diadem.
A thin golden diadem rested in her red-gold curls, a single rearing lion set in moonstones above her brows.
Denise was dressed in a long, flowing gown with a golden diadem perched atop her head.
Garric didn't wear the golden diadem when he slept, and thankfully it wasn't part of his dream either.
King Carus, bare-headed in Garric's mind save for the golden diadem, laughed.