The elf said nothing, only raised a golden eyebrow.
He had a smooth forehead without a line to it, and high straight golden eyebrows dark enough to give his face a clear, determined look.
He raised his golden eyebrows and nodded towards a chair.
The golden eyebrows went up, the teeth showed in what was perhaps a smile.
Dumont raised one golden eyebrow, but otherwise revealed nothing of what he was thinking.
He glanced over it, and raised a golden eyebrow.
Ariadne's lover raised a golden eyebrow in a perfect curve.
Between that and the single raised golden eyebrow, she knew he was trying to figure out how to break some bad news.
His golden eyebrows were very clear against his tanned skin, and he frowned slightly while smiling at the same time.
He raised one golden eyebrow quizzically at Van, then grinned.