The golden foliages need a lot of sun.
Most trees with that common name are Japanese types, treasured for their golden foliage and labeled, and priced, accordingly.
Birds screamed from high up in the lush, golden foliage and darted across a patch of crimson sky.
As before, birds shrilled at them from their perches in the golden foliage.
A planting of rich, purple-blue monkshood or a stand of delphiniums flowering in front of the golden foliage, makes a perfect match.
It has a stately pyramid form with golden yellow foliage.
But now the wooded sides of hills and gullies were thick with rough, golden foliage dusted and coarsened by the sun.
The ground-hugging Camla, only nine inches tall, has double pink flowers, and Aurea is a dwarf heather with golden foliage.
Another popular barberry is the one with the golden foliage called Aurea.
A native of Japan, it is a little round mop of swirling golden foliage edged in green.