The light from the east cast a golden net on the green fields of the flood plain.
The gray eyes in their golden net of wrinkles went wide, then narrowed as they swept Miri from face to feet.
A bell rattled, and the elevator shot up and vanished inside a beam of light that easily pierced the golden net above.
A golden net of sapphires rattled, slithered, and clattered to the floor.
The corn-silk hair was caught within a wide-meshed golden net in which sparkled tiny brilliants, like blended sapphires and diamonds.
In a moment the demoness brought a shimmering peacock blue silk panty oversewn with a golden net.
She was hooded now, her dark hair bound up in a golden net.
The only indication of physical damage was the golden net that held her body together, the only hint of mental impairment her eternal distance.
Catching a moth in a golden net.
In the shrine, between the gold columns and the shimmering golden nets, the sarcophagos lay draped with its purple pall.