As reflected in art from the time, Jeanne was a remarkably attractive blonde woman with thick golden ringlets and almond-shaped blue eyes.
Now a giggly 5-year-old angel with golden ringlets, Aurélie seems the least wounded of the three because she is so young.
I was a very happy little child with rosy cheeks, and large blue eyes, and the most beautiful golden ringlets you can imagine.
A young lady was beside him, dressed in green, her eyes blue and her hair in golden ringlets.
She is small and delicately shaped, with golden ringlets for hair and pale skin.
The field was a riot of golden ringlets, like wedding bands strewn out.
The creature rolled slowly over the phycoids, squashing the golden ringlets beneath it.
She has a headful of golden ringlets and a delicate heart-shaped face.
It had short golden ringlets all over it.
Her hair was long and yellow, the golden ringlets coyly hiding ears that appeared to curl in on themselves to form a point.