One by one, they closed ranks to navigate a corridor recently narrowed by shoulder-high, stacked rows of goods bound for the relief effort at the site of the World Trade Center.
Iranian marines looking for goods bound for Iraq intercepted and boarded 14 foreign oil tankers and other ships Friday at the Strait of Hormuz, the Iranian press agency reported today.
Ethiopia says it fears that Eritrea will seize shipments, as it did in 1998, when it confiscated some 70,000 tons of goods bound for Ethiopia, including 45,000 tons of grain.
He had left the packhorse with Deth, since Hlurle lay scarcely three days away, a small port the traders used to unload goods bound for Herun.
The only practical seaport of entry for goods bound for Kathmandu is Calcutta in India.
Before 1975 the port of Beirut was a major entrepôt for the Middle East, especially for goods bound for Damascus and Amman.
Shipping Choked Off Though the sanctions and blockade are aimed at stopping goods bound for Iraq, they are choking off almost all shipping.
The unlovely Erector-set ballpark now carries its history of being a way station for goods bound for brave people laboring at the defiled tip of Manhattan.
But customs duties disguise the share of contributions made by Holland and Belgium still more, as these countries also collect customs duties on goods bound for other countries.
He argued that many of Japan's exports to China are components that are assembled in Chinese factories into goods bound for the United States and other markets.