Grace, while you're waiting your turn, you can take all those pins out of your hair and give it a good brushing.
People may believe that their mouths are pristine after a good brushing and flossing.
And while you are doing that I'll give that coat a good brushing.
Shagga's coat could have used a good brushing too, but it would have been less than tactful to mention it.
What are good brushing and flossing?
A good brushing.
His dinner clothes had been cut to perfectly fit his stocky frame, and his bushy silver hair had been given a new trim and a good brushing.
His straight brown hair was shoulder length, but stringy, as if it needed a good brushing.
She then pets it for a bit, looks at its teeth to estimate the age, gives its coat a good brushing and then a few hugs and kisses.
She gave her coat a good brushing to clean off the dirt.