Also, when a congenial spot was found, the caravan lingered three or four days, enjoying the fresh water and the good pasturage.
In spring the troops were generally sent to lands which had a salubrious climate and a good pasturage.
He found the country around Kiro peaceful, with good pasturage and land for cultivation a few miles inland from the river.
Sand did not make good pasturage for anything.
Imbri found a forest glade close by that had good pasturage.
There was good pasturage at the castle, however.
My original mission was to find them good pasturage, which I have done.
How dare you steal my good pasturage for your use, and almost under my very nose?
Some areas of good pasturage cannot be used because of lack of drinking water.
"The lawn will provide good pasturage for the horse and burro."