A. Baking powder is a leavener, meaning it makes baked goods rise.
For the year, intermediate goods rose 2.4 percent, less than half the 5.6 percent advance in 1988.
Military goods rose 2.2 percent, to $10 billion, in April, following a hefty 14.6 percent rise in March.
Some goods rose by more than this average percentage.
Durable goods unexpectedly rose 2.4 percent last month, their biggest monthly gain in almost a year.
Excluding both food and energy, intermediate goods rose moderately while crude goods fell considerably, the department said.
Excluding miliary orders, durable goods rose by 5.4 percent.
Food, housing, apparel, entertainment, "other" goods and services and even medical care all rose at a noticeably slower pace.
Durable goods rose a revised 2.8 percent in June.
Some regional theaters offer "Twilight" solely, and it does indeed have the goods to rise to its own occasion.