To get to good snorkeling you have to arrange a boat trip out to the reef with a guide.
With another cay to the north, the water here tends to stay calm and offers very good snorkeling.
There are two companies on island & good snorkeling, too, from boat or shore.
The beach disappears almost completely at high tide, but there is good snorkeling offshore and a picturesque trio of islands in the bay.
The beach is famous for its good snorkeling.
The southern end of the island has good snorkeling but can be reached only on foot or by boat.
There is calm water on the inside of the reef and good snorkeling over it.
There's good snorkeling as well, including 40 Cannons, a wooden ship in 5m to 6m of water.
A coral reef running parallel to the shore offers good snorkeling and protects the beach from strong waves.
Highway route 325 leads west to Point Jorobado and good snorkeling.