God knew there were any number of good-looking men, if a woman was in the market for one.
As they opened the front door a young, very good-looking man was standing on the step.
People seem to have high expectations for good-looking men and women in other ways as well.
Nor could they understand a young, good-looking man who appeared to have no interest in girls.
He was quite a good-looking man with a thin dark face and eyes set rather too close together.
Good-looking men who thought their looks would get them special consideration were way down on her list these days.
She'd seen good-looking men before and never felt the urge to run to them.
But he was hardly the first good-looking man she'd had dinner with.
How long had it been since she'd met a good-looking older man who wasn't on a movie screen?
He's a good-looking man, and the smile just happens to be part of the job.