M AJOR corporations in Charlotte engage in a good-natured but serious competition each year to see who can raise the most money.
Yet traditional Indian dancing is man's work, and the residue of the war dances, now distilled into more peaceful challenge dances, allows for good-natured competition.
A game area will feature good-natured competitions in double Dutch, mankala (an African board game) and more traditional pursuits like jacks and pickup sticks.
We got into a good-natured competition to name Claire's unborn baby, Cindy calling out, "Margarita, if she's a girl," and winning the next round for free.
On Monday night these two rappers (and former enemies) staged a good-natured competition, letting the audience choose between two forms of toughness.
A good-natured competition among athletes.
It was a short, happy time of good-natured competition between tribes who had been suffocated under Heafstaag's unrelenting domination.
Aboard ship she had been a fierce athlete, making a reputation for herself in many good-natured sporting competitions.
Bruenor, too, was smiling, both at the good-natured competition between his friends and at his continued pride in the young barbarian.
As the men began to move the bales of hay from the upper floor of the barn, she watched the good-natured competition between them.